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Shin Dorabase |
“A disappointing follow-up to a rather-okay series”
What is Shin Dorabase?
A sequel to the Doraemon spin-off series Dorabase, Shin
Dorabase follows the story of Tamaemon, who has an affection towards Edogawa
Dora’s and idolizes Kuroemon. Unlike the first series, which follows Kuroemon
as a batter, this time, Tamaemon is a pitcher with his own magic ball.
So? How does it fare?
This is the follow-up review to an earlier review I created
yesterday, to follow the original Dorabase review.
Unlike the original Dorabase series, Shin Dorabase is only
collected to a 4 tankoubon volume, making it the shortest of any Doraemon
spin-off manga ever released (Dorabase has 23 volumes, The Doraemons has 21
volumes, and The Doraemons’ Special has 12 volumes.), but the reason why it is
only released in just short 4 volumes is justified by it’s content.
Shin Dorabase is just riddled with problem everwhere. It’s
like when you open the first page, the problem became apparent at that moment
too. I’ll just divide it into several section later.
Spoiler alerts abound, and of course, since there is no
scanlations of this anywhere so I’m afraid I can only attach so much screenshots
for this review.
First, let’s talk about plot. The plot here is simple,
Tamaemon, the protagonist of the story, seeks to join Edogawa Dora’s but the
now-coach of Edogawa Dora’s Hyoroemon declared that he failed the test for
arriving late. Then, that fire of being rejected burns and now, Tamaemon wants
to defeat Edogawa Dora’s in a game of baseball, which he declared is a fun
sports every now and then, which I presume must have been his catchphrase. It
was simple and as usual, easy to follow, so I’m giving this a-okay.
The story introduces us to Tamagawa Dora’s, which happens to
share the same first name with Tamaemon, and it’s team. To be honest, other
than Tamaemon, Monjyaemon (Or was that Mojyaemon? I don’t know), Jiroemon, and
Gonzaemon, no one else gets a character development. They all treated just for
the sake of being there. I guess the short volume count has something to do
with it, yes?
Tamaemon’s rival is Doraem- pardon me, It's not Doraemel, but
Noraemon. Doraemel made so much impact when he first appeared and I always
thought he was the rival of Tamaemon, mainly due to his development and growth
as a character. Even Hyoroemon declared that he and Tamaemon might be the two
that shake up baseball once again. Of course, his unique demeanor, and the fact
that he hides his hideous face beneath a handsome-looking mask is something to
be intrigued for, and when he is unmasked, he goes unhinged but eventually
calms down. In my opinion, he was the best character of the series, with
Jiroemon coming close second.
Jiroemon also had this charm of hiding his face beneath a
potato-sack that had a hole for him to see with one eye. Jiroemon is so
perceptive that he can tell whether or not a ball is ball or strike, and it’s
his ability, which each character in this series are forced to have for some
reason. However, the last volume just had to force him remove him potato-sack
that makes him so memorable. The author had this strange habit of introducing a
mysterious character with hidden face (Remember Aimond? That badass with a
cool-looking sunglasses covering his eyes?) and forces them to remove it by the
end of the series. For me, that was not a cool move, instead it just removes
the air of mysteriousness that character has.
And of course, with Doraemel out of the picture, we are
introduced to a proper rival to Tamaemon, Noraemon, which I thought to be a
last-minute introduction to the series as I believed the author wanted to go
forward with Doraemel. Why? Noraemon, unlike Doraemel, is handsome and more
collected, much like Shiroemon. And with Tamaemon as fiery as a furnace, the
tale of Tamaemon vs Noraemon begins, and
it all feels like Kuroemon vs Shiroemon all over again, which for me is kind of
bland and flat-out exhausted. I don’t know why the author scrapped that
Doraemel plan of being Tamaemon’s rival, but I think it’s mainly due to the
publisher’s pressure or fan demands?
Why can I say that? I mentioned above that Hyoroemon
declared that he and Tamaemon are bound to shake up Edogawa Dora’s. This is
said by Hyoroemon, who is the coach of the Edogawa Dora’s and by the time
volume 3 catches up, the only hint that Noraemon was going to appear was that
bandage next to Tamaemon’s left eye.
Oh, and I just have to talk about the number of teams
appearing in this story. The number was
so low that the excitement of Tamaemon having so many rivals snuffs out by the time
fourth volume kicks in. Kuromeon, back in the original series, has so much
rival that we can anticipate whomever he’s going to face whenever a new volume
kicks in, but this time, we can only assume that Tamaemon’s just going to face
a random team each volume, before facing Edogawa Dora’s in the finale. Aside
from King Fishers, which is the team that featured Doraemel, nothing else felt
remarkable. Setagaya Paamans (A
reference to Perman), Sakuragaoka Espers (A reference to Esper Mami), and
Bakuden Kigurumis, all of them just there for the sake of being there. And by
the time the fourth volume kicks in, I was surprised to see them facing Edogawa
Dora’s this early and was even shocked to see that it ends in that volume. The
prospect of it having 10 more volumes are there, but I presumed that the
popularity of the series just keeps falling as each chapter are published.
Well, that’s that, but what about the character design? Good
heavens… All of them felt unoriginal and uncreative. Tamaemon is a mix of
Chibiemon and Kuroemon, Sho (The only human character of Tamagawa Dora’s) felt
like Ruru from the WABC, even Noraemon felt like he was Emoll but bar his
perpetual smiler trait. Several felt original and creative, but most of them
doesn’t. Who are those that original in terms of design? Of course, Jiroemon
and Doraemel. There’s also Kiyoemon, a gigantic batter of the Edogawa Dora’s
that felt new. But that’s it apparently.
I was surprised to see the magic balls being toned down
here. After all, the pitcher is our main character. But, the welcome addition
is that the batter also does not use that much different version of batting
style, with Doraemel’s V batting the only distinct one. Even Noraemon, the
rival to Tamaemon, only had a very long bat and just hits the ball with no
ability whatsoever. That, in my opinion, is a welcome addition to the series,
but of course, sets aside what a Dorabase truly is. In Dorabase, we learn that
there can be so much absurd hitting styles and so many magic balls, but here,
it just feels like another baseball manga, but with Dorabase rules.
Yes, the Dorabase rules still stands. The usage of 3 gadgets
per game still here, but it was underutilized. The original Dorabase creatively
utilized every gadget at disposal, but in here, it sometimes just mimics the
original Dorabase, such as using big-light and Take-copter again, as well as
Weather box, which had similar use to a Weather-spirit ring and etc. The only
remarkable one was when Chokoemon uses an Anywhere Door to catch a
what-would-be homerun, at the cost of being knocked out.
So, there you have it. This series was riddled with so many
problems that you can just ignore them all by speed-reading it and think
nothing of critical thoughts, much like I did the first time reading it. Characters
were unoriginal and dull, contents were lacking, and it was such a short adventure
to be honest, and felt like it was rushed by the time it reached the ending.
That inclusion of Noraemon also begs a question to be asked as well. Why didn’t
the author just go with Doraemel’s direction? After all, by the time volume 3
kicks in, Doraemel’s character has been fleshed out and he was treated
majestically, but dumped in favor of more cooler Noraemon.
I think only those who had purchased the original Dorabase
manga and actually enjoys the content of it that can read this muddy series.
This series contains so much reference to the original Dorabase that any reader
without prior knowledge of the earlier series might just shook their head in
confusion as to who is Kuroemon and the sort.
There was a similar series like this, titled Aoki Shinwa
Mars, which is the follow-up to Kaze no Sylpheed. Aoki Shinwa Mars, unlike Shin
Dorabase, does not made that much reference to Kaze no Sylpheed in it’s first
volume, and began referencing them by the time volume 2 kicks in, after we have
finally settled with the characters and the horse. That move was remarkable in
my opinion. Settling the readers with the characters first before reintroducing
characters from the past, and the characters here are mostly horses to be
honest, and the only reference this series had with Kaze no Sylpheed was the
titular horse of Sylpheed now being treated as a big-time horse and that’s it,
with several characters from the past making a return here and there sparingly.
That was a good manga to be honest.
The good : Doraemel. Lack of Magic balls and batting styles
have it’s own charm.
The bad : Character don’t get developed that much. Noraemon’s
inclusion felt unnecessary. Characters looks unoriginal. Lack of super
baseballs might turn off some reader of original series. Shallow plot. Rushed
ending. Short in volume count and did not get utilized to it’s fullest.
Highlight moment : Tamagawa Dora’s training in uninhabited
Final score : 1.5
out of 5. There are just so much
problem here and this series is only good for those who is yearning for the
follow-up to Dorabase.
Yeah,ur review is cool,i appreciate it but most of the problem came from the length of the series.This is too short to develope the characters,even with some who have protential to have a full story so the author just decide to make something pretty similar to the original Dorabase to service the long-time fan.